Can You Reproduce Your Homework?
2012/10/23 @ Dept of Biostat, Johns Hopkins
We always hate tools
We always want to save people in deep water
How deep is reproducibility?
- very deep
- but not too deep to get started
Good, bad and ugly about the web
Fitting the paper to page limit
A one-minute introduction to knitr
A few selected features with demos
- document formats: LaTeX, HTML, Markdown
- graphics (multiple plots per chunk, tikz graphics, animations)
- cache
- all languages in one document
Further examples on the web
Why blogging is great for science
- Statistics Are History Foretold
- Be Honest About Your Bias
- Bayesian Nuance
- No Shame In Changing
- technology is becoming easier and cheaper (how much is a domain name?)
- there isn’t much to learn (as long as you know R, reproducibility can be close to you)
- record your analysis by code instead of memory
Are you going back to Word anyway?