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Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
Econ workshops on R
Nov 8, 2011
, var()
, lm()
, glm()
, rnorm()
, boxplot()
, ...)obj.method()
, but often method(obj)
to read documentatione.g. try ?lm
for help on linear models
for a view on the whole package## use install.packages(), e.g. install.packages('animation')
You will be asked to choose a mirror.
Too many packages?? Use the task view: (e.g. Econometrics)
or =
(experts recommend the former but I do not believe them)?Arithmetic
(e.g. x+y
, x %% y
x <- 10 y <- 15:3 1 + 2 11 %% 2 11 %/% 2 3^4 log(10) y[4] y[-1] # what do negative indices mean?
z = rnorm(100) fivenum # what are the arguments of this function? fivenum(z) fivenum(x = z, na.rm = TRUE) fivenum(z, TRUE)
## the if-else statement if (TRUE) { print(1) } else { print(2) } ## a for-loop (the other type is while-loop) s = 0; x = c(4, 2, 6) for (i in 1:3) { s = s + x[i] } s ## the above loop is the most stupid thing to do in R
, read.csv()
, ...## the tips data tips = read.csv('') str(tips) # structure of an object; one of the most useful function in R summary(tips) mean(tips$bill) # index by $name var(tips[, 'tip']) # index by character name table(tips[, 4]) # index by column number hist(tips$bill) boxplot(tip~sex, data=tips) plot(tip~bill, data=tips, col=as.integer(tips$sex))
A family of functions for distributions: dfun()
, pfun()
, qfun()
and rfun()
For example, rnorm()
library(animation) demo('fire', ask = FALSE) # an application of image()
Q: How many times do we need to flip the coin until we get a sequence of HTH and HTT respectively? (For example, for the sequence HHTH, the number for HTH to appear is 4, and in THTHTT, the number for HTT is 6.)
Take the tips data for example
fit1 = lm(tip ~ bill, data = tips) summary(fit1)
You get
Call: lm(formula = tip ~ bill, data = tips) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -3.1982 -0.5652 -0.0974 0.4863 3.7434 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 0.920270 0.159735 5.761 2.53e-08 *** bill 0.105025 0.007365 14.260 < 2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 1.022 on 242 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.4566, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4544 F-statistic: 203.4 on 1 and 242 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
The formula is an important component of many R functions for modelling.
fit2 = lm(tip ~ bill + sex, data = tips) # two variables fit3 = lm(tip ~ bill + 0, data = tips) # without intercept ## you try summary() on them
Before we get started, let's see if you can install the gWidgetsRGtk2
install.packages('gWidgetsRGtk2') library(gWidgetsRGtk2) ## follow instructions in case of errors
packageThere are many add-on packages based on the two systems; see the Graphics task view on CRAN for an overview:
: Trellis plots
: Grammar of Graphics
Last week we mentioned the tips data.
tips = read.csv('') str(tips) ## scatter plot: positive correlation with a 'constraint' plot(tip ~ bill, data = tips) ## what is the problem with R's default choice of point shapes? ## plot() is a very 'tricky' function in R; details later hist(tips$tip, main = 'histogram of tips') ## you see nothing except a right-skewed distribution hist(tips$tip, breaks = 30) # more bins hist(tips$tip, breaks = 100) # what do you see now?
20-30 years ago, the research on choosing the histogram binwidth was extremely hot in statistics, but... who cares?
We can change the binwidth interactively in R via many tools; one possibility is to build a GUI
## I prefer gWidgetsRGtk2, but I do not know if you can install it ## gWidgetstcltk is easier to install if (!require('gWidgetstcltk')) install.packages('gWidgetstcltk') library(gWidgetstcltk) # or library(gWidgetsRGtk2) options(guiToolkit = 'tcltk') # or options(guiToolkit = 'RGtk2') x = tips$tip gslider(from = 1, to = 100, by = 1, container = gwindow('Change the number of bins'), handler = function(h, ...) { hist(x, breaks = seq(min(x), max(x), length = svalue(h$obj))) }) ## many many other GUI elements to use
There are many color models in R, like rgb()
, hsv()
, ... And there are built-in color names, e.g. 'red'
, 'purple'
. Here is an example of rgb()
rgb(1, 0, 0) # red (hexidecimal representation) rgb(1, 1, 0) # yellow ## an interactive example g = ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = gwindow('Color Mixer')) x = c(0,0,0) # red, green, blue for(i in 1:3) { gslider(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.05, action = i, handler = function(h, ...) { x[h$action] <<- svalue(h$obj) par(bg = rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3]), mar = rep(0, 4)) }, container = g) } colors() # all names you can use plot(rnorm(30), pch = 19, col = sample(colors(), 30), cex = 2)
Old-fashioned but many goodies...
and take a look at the graphics
, filled.contour()
, fourfoldplot()
, mosaicplot()
, pairs()
, smoothScatter()
, stripchart()
, sunflowerplot()
, symbols()
Graphics are not as easy as you might have imagined
package)Only the source code is real.
x = seq(.1, 10, .1) plot(x, 1/x, type = 'l', lwd = 2) lines(x, 1/x + 2, col = 'red', lwd = 2)
variable)We still use the tips
data here.
library(ggplot2) ## different colors denote the sex variable qplot(bill, tip, data = tips, color = sex) ## point symbols qplot(bill, tip, data = tips, shape = smoker) ## you can manipulate ggplot2 objects p = qplot(bill, tip, data = tips, color = size) p ## do not like the color scheme? change it p + scale_colour_gradient2(low="white", high="blue") ## faceting qplot(tip, data = tips, facets = time ~ day) p + geom_smooth() # smoothing line
Unlike most of R packages, ggplot2 has its own website of documentation, which is a rich source of examples.
As mentioned before, there are many other packages based on the two graphics systems.
: a gallery of statistical animations and tools to export animationsrgl
: interactive 3D plotsiplots
: interactive statistical graphicsrggobi
: connect R with GGobi (a standalone software package for interactive stat graphics)## be prepared install.packages(c('animation', 'rgl', 'iplots'))
The idea is simple:
## rotate the word 'Animation' for (i in 1:360) { plot(1, ann = FALSE, type = "n", axes = FALSE) text(1, 1, "Animation", srt = i, col = rainbow(360)[i], cex = 7 * i/360) Sys.sleep(0.01) }
library(animation) ?brownian.motion ?quincunx ?grad.desc ## export to an HTML page ?saveHTML ## want more hilarious examples? try demo('busybees') demo('CLEvsLAL')
Play with statistical graphics.
## use your mouse (drag or wheel up/down) library(rgl) demo('rgl') ## an artificial dataset library(animation) demo('pollen') ## linked plots library(iplots) ibar(tips$sex) ihist(tips$tip)
and deparse()
and I return you 1 + 1
(what the heck is the difference?)well, compare
for(k in 1:10){j=cos(sin(k)*k^2)+3;print(j-5)}
for (k in 1:10) { j = cos(sin(k) * k^2) + 3 print(j - 5) }
The function debug
can be used to debug a function.
f = function(x) { m = length(x) x[] = mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) # impute by mean s = sum(x^2) # sum of squares s } f(c(1, NA, 2)) ## begin to debug the function now debug(f) f(c(1, NA, 2)) undebug(f)