Stat546 Final Project
but it took me a long while to understand it (I'm an MBA?)
library(animation) boot.iid()
when it is difficult to calculate the exact CI
library(animation) boot.lowess()
a tale of two coins
Coin A 11110000000000100000101100000100000101001111001100 01111110010110110101101001111001100011011101100000 10001001111110100100001011001011101101110001010010 01100111111100011100101000101001110011100010100111 Coin B 01110010010010100010011110010100010011010111001110 01111011010111101101001000111001101011010101101001 00101001110110100100001110101101101001110101100110 01110011110110001110011010111001110011110010100111
how do runs look like in our eyes?
do we really need to care about the binwidth?
library(gWidgetsRGtk2) options(guiToolkit = 'RGtk2') tips = read.csv('') x = tips$tip gslider(from = 1, to = 100, by = 1, container = gwindow('Change the number of bins'), handler = function(h, ...) { hist(x, breaks = seq(min(x), max(x), length = svalue(h$obj))) })
histograms are so mundane!
library(rgl) demo('bivar')
beautiful but...