How I See Bootstrap, Tests and KDE
Yihui Xie
Stat546 Final Project
Stat546 Final Project
but it took me a long while to understand it (I'm an MBA?)
when it is difficult to calculate the exact CI
a tale of two coins
how do runs look like in our eyes?
do we really need to care about the binwidth?
histograms are so mundane!
## adpated from demo('bivar') in rgl | |
rgl.demo.bivar = function(x, y, bw, ngrid = 25, ...) { | |
library(MASS); library(rgl) | |
n = length(x) | |
denobj = kde2d(x, y, bw, n = ngrid) | |
den.z = denobj$z; xgrid = denobj$x; ygrid = denobj$y | |
bi.z = dnorm(xgrid) %*% t(dnorm(ygrid)) | |
zscale = 20; clear3d() | |
spheres3d(x, y, rep(0, n), radius = 0.1, color = "#CCCCFF") | |
surface3d(xgrid, ygrid, den.z * zscale, color = "#FF2222", alpha = 0.5) | |
surface3d(xgrid, ygrid, bi.z * zscale, color = "#CCCCFF", front = "lines") | |
} | |
set.seed(31415) | |
n = 50; x = rnorm(n); y = rnorm(n) | |
rgl.demo.bivar(x, y, 2) | |
## change binwidth interactively | |
library(gWidgetsRGtk2) | |
options(guiToolkit = 'RGtk2') | |
gslider(from = 0.1, to = 10, by = 0.1, | |
container = gwindow("Change binwidth"), | |
handler = function(h, ...) { | |
rgl.demo.bivar(x, y, bw = svalue(h$obj)) | |
}) | |
## what you should really do | |
res = kde2d(x, y) | |
contour(res$x, res$y, res$z) | |
points(x, y, pch = 20) |
beautiful but...
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