Authoring Books with R Markdown

Yihui Xie (slides and GIF’s 前方高能) and Tidy Wickham (slide karaoke)

2016/06/30 @ useR! 2016, Stanford

Sorry I cannot be here

via Karthik Ram


Over about ten years as a student in statistics, I have had these beliefs:

Why are you giving up?

When you open a LaTeX editor to write a book, or see a book of $300, or think about writing the 2nd edition of your book…

We need to put an end to that

Changing just a tiny little bit in my LaTeX tabular

via Research in Progress



R Markdown



When you try it by yourself

Contact info

Thank you

Disclaimer: GIF just for fun. Cats are not associated with Yihui or Hadley or @RCatLadies or anyone! No violence intended.